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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is it safe to wet and irrigate ears?

    Yes, we do it all the time when we bathe, and swim etc. healthy ear canal extend in a downward angle, so water pours out.

  • Can shower water get stuck inside my ear and cause swimmer’s ear?

    Yes. If you have wax clog blocking the entrance of your canal water dirt and germs can get trapped. Regular use of New EARS removes daily wax discharge and can help prevent wax buildup hence clogs.

  • What’s the difference between wax clog and buildup?

    Wax buildup is the thick yellow green layer on ear skin and in canals. It builds up with daily wax discharge. Wax is made from sweat, dead skin, dirt. mites and over 600mtypes of germs and fungi germs clogs ear pores creating pimples blackheads and ear and skin infections. Its very toxic and must e removed daily to help prevent that no ear cleaner targets. It toxic and dirty.

  • Can the canal tip remove wax clogs?

    No. this product is only for daily wax buildup please see your doctor to remove wax clog before regular use.

  • Will canal tip push daily wax buildup further into ear?

    No. if used correctly in entrance of ear only twisting tool up and down, not in and out, it will break up wax and unlike other tools that leave wax in canal, you wash away the loosened wax dirt and germs out with water till ear shampoo foam is completely removed and ears feel clear. With daily use there won’t be any wax buildup or clogs.

  • Is it safe to use news ears daily?

    Yes, on most ears if you have sensitive ears or ear skin. It’s just like washing your face and brushing your teeth daily. You must remove disease causing bacteria daily and even more than skin wax buildup that causes ear infections.

  • Will new ears dry my ears if used daily?

    Use common sense

  • Can I remove too much wax?

    No canal tip is designed to break up and loosen wax buildup does not exfoliate canal skin leaving skin protective barrier intact. Wax discharge is daily never stopping as soon as remove old wax new wax replaces. The canal tip doesn’t exfoliate skin only removes a wax layer leaving skin conditioned

  • Don’t I need ear wax?

    Ear wax is toxic waste body produces it’s important to clean it. It doesn’t clean ears it harbors over 600 germs and fungi and dirt and germs that can cause disease. Clean ears are the best defense against disease.

  • Wont removing germs also remove probiotics?

    Our ear shampoo has probiotics to help support ears microbiome that defend against harmful bacteria and improve immune

  • Wont colloidal silver lower potency of probiotics?

    no they complement each other have been shown to boost immune response. a special balance between the ingredient protects the probiotics and nano colloidal silver works at a cellular level. It is activated with mechanical action strengthens the probiotic strains that have developed resistance to silver. Both fight harmful microorganisms and boost immune I hope lol

  • Can water pressure harm ears?

    Yes, direct stream from a safe distance at a 45-degree angle

  • Is my ear canal if stopper distance safe for ear canal?

    for most adult ear canals are about 1” long but many are shorter. We do not advise to stick in all the way as it may push dirt to far. Although it should not hurt most ears drums it’s better to use only in entrance of canal is safest. We do not recommend using the whole length of canal tip

  • Aren’t ears self-cleaning ovens?

    wax is toxic because sweat and oils does trap dirt and germs, but the toxic dirt must be removed to for ears not to get infections. Wax buildup also traps dirty water behind it on ear canal. it must be removed so dirty water can drain out, so it doesn’t turn into swimmer’s ear. wax buildup can cause infections ad entia memory loss

  • Don’t I have probiotics protect ears from germs?

    yes but you must help them fight germs and support ear flora microbiome by eliminating toxic waste and dirt they thrive on.

  • Will this help ear fungus dermatitis?

    the mild formula ph. balanced will remove allergens which helps protect ears from rashes. But everyone is different please discontinue and ask doctor about frequency of use if any itch or rash appears

  • Can this help remove pimples and blackheads?

    Exfoliating dirt and buildup dead skin etc. will help clear pores and prevent future breakouts

  • Will this product removing earwax remove protective layer?

    excessive ear wax is very dangerous can cause hearing and health problems if not removed properly. Our gentle formula will remove toxic germy grime, but your body discharges wax constantly, and a fresh layer is always created. Our product does not remove skin barriers its very gentle as water

  • What about ear picks, irrigations system, candling?

Hydrating Medical Grade Foaming Ear Shampoo

Ph Balance/ Hypoallergenic / Fragance Free / Non-drying

Skin Barrier

Gentle conditioners cleanse without disrupting the ears delicate skin protective barrier

Aloe Vera

Sooth and moisturize sensitive ear skin


Hydrate delicate ear skin


Natural peroxide gently soften wax buildup


Help balance ears microbiome

Foaming Action

Wash away wax dirt, and grime for clean sparkling ears